Quality and Quantity seem to come hand in hand. In present scenario, quality education burns a hole in the pockets of parents because of the huge quantity of fees charged for it.
Education loans offered by numerous financial institutions are a boon to the vast sea of students.
Students can breathe a sigh of relief with the numerous loan options served across to them, choosing their careers is easier now.
Parents also can be complacent about the fact that they have a monetary pillar to recline on.
However there are some factors that we need to be vigilant about.
- 1. Your educational institution is looked at with a microscope before a loan can be granted. The colleges that offer good placement opportunities are given a green signal. The educational institutions that are not well recognized are given low priority for giving out loans.
- 2. The CIBIL score for both parents and students is one of the key factors that leads to an approval or disapproval of the education loan. The credit history needs to be up to the mark, and there should be no traces of regular defaults. This holds integral for students, who have just entered college and also have started working. These youngsters might apply for various credit cards with a low repayment capacity resulting into a disrupted CIBIL score. For the parents who are the guarantors, it is imperative to have a good credit score.They are the ones who guarantee the repayment of the loan.
- 3. Your academic performance also one of the deciding factors for the lenders to grant you a loan. So if you do not fit in the eligibility criteria that the financial institution possesses, then your loan request might be rejected. The banks/financial institution thinks that you would fall in the category of a non-performer and not earn enough to repay.
- 4. The type of course that you have applied for ascertains the loan approval. If the loan is for a part-time course, then chances are that the bank might reject your loan application. Financial institutions/banks approve loans that are meant for a full-time course abroad or in the same country.
- 5. The income of your parents is a crucial factor that can turn the tables. Since your parents essay the role of guarantors, and if you fail to repay the loan, then it is on them to repay the amount. If it is fairly low, then the lending institution will not hesitate to disapprove your loan request.
- 6. Financial institutions do not rely on “Age No bar”. There is a certain age limit upto which loans can be approved and that is 30 years.
- 7. Whenever you take a loan of more than 7.5 lakhs, then it is necessary to have a collateral and joint borrower in place. If you are unable to provide these, then you might get the loan disapproved. Having a collateral in place, gives a sense of guarantee to the lending elements. They feel that they can recover the amount loaned in case of failed repayment. For an amount lesser than 4 lakhs, you are not required to have a collateral in place. However even such an amount necessitates the involvement of a guardian/parent.
Taking loans for education that is a step taken in many people’s lives. Hence we wanted you to be aware of the obstacles that might come in future planning and career decisioning. Being cautious will help you in better financial planning and control of money.
Image Source:Student Loan Helper