After getting accepted to your desired university, the next step is to send an education loan application to finance your studies. Pursuing higher education can be expensive, as it includes: However, opting for an education loan helps you accomplish your educational dreams without financial restrictions. Writing and sending an application letter for an education loan …
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Economic growth and development are just a few outcomes of women being actively part of the formal workforce. While gender gaps in India’s labour market do exist, there has been a steady increase in women’s participation. The latest Female Labour Force Participation Rate (FLFPR) has witnessed an upward tick, with more than one-third of women …
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Learning is an ongoing process and according to a report from McKinsey, employers value a wide range of skills. But amid the hustle of life, it can be easy to stagnate, especially if you don’t know your options. This is where courses for upskilling come into play. These are a great way to improve your …
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Doing an online course just to learn something can be fun, but if you are looking to grow in your chosen career, give it more thought. As the new age of AI and Industry 5.0 dawns closer, companies are looking for humans to work smart alongside advanced technology. Choosing the right course and getting a …
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To say that AI has transformed the way we work is an understatement. Across industries like healthcare, manufacturing, IT, real estate, wealth advisories and more, AI has brought disruption at an unprecedented scale. As per a report by Nasscom and Boston Consulting Group, the market for AI in India will grow at a CAGR of …
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Highlight: Education cost is on the rise and an instant education loan helps secure the best education for yourself or your child, without compromising in other aspects of life. A personal loan for students for higher studies can help you manage the costs associated with a good quality education. Quality education is of critical importance …
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Highlight: Online courses have proved to be an accessible and affordable means of education that may help you land your dream job. Here’s how. Learning and upgrading your skills continuously is essential to get a competitive advantage. One of the best ways to do this is by taking the benefits of online courses. Online courses …
Students around the world have been taking online classes because of the pandemic. And with students getting used to online classes during the pandemic for an entire year, many are opting for online education courses because of the flexibility and convenience of studying from the comfort of their homes. There may be several benefits of …
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The pandemic has led people and organizations worldwide to make several important changes, and not just in their workflow and lifestyle. Among these is the way education is imparted. It has gone completely online with the help of video-conferencing and online file-sharing applications. Virtual learning has become the new normal, but as the students spend …
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With skyrocketing costs, higher education is beginning to seem like a far-fetched dream for many aspiring students. Even if, for a moment, we put studying abroad aside, securing admission in leading educational institutions within our home country itself has become very expensive. Due to these cost challenges, students find themselves struggling to pay for their …
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