Tax rebates are certainly an added advantage for several types of loans. Education loans, home loans, auto loans, and personal loans are among them. However, it becomes extremely important to understand that while some loans carry a tax benefit along with then, not all loans do.
Any form of loan, no matter how small, is a major financial risk for any customer. Home and car loans, for example, have long repayment terms, making repayment a daunting and tedious process on a regular basis. The Government of India has understood this indeed for free-flowing credit within the economy, and has come up with different tax benefits as a measure to increase the general population’s standard of living.
To know more about Income Tax 1961, how to maximize savings, check here.
Let’s take a look at three significant loans that are eligible for a tax refund under the Income Tax Act of 1961.
This deduction is in addition to the tuition fee deductions of up to Rs 1.5 lakh that a person may claim under Section 80C.
Borrowers are usually given a one-year moratorium period before they must begin repaying their loans.
A home loan will assist both self-employed and salaried individuals in realizing their dreams of homeownership. But did you know that the loan will help you save money on your taxes?
The government’s tax breaks will significantly reduce the financial burden on home buyers. The Income Tax Act of India provides for interest and principal part exemptions.
To qualify for this deduction, the house must be owned for at least 5 years. Both borrowers can avail a deduction of up to Rs 1.5 lakh for joint home loans.
Personal loan, as we all know, are ideal for getting you out of a financial bind. They’re easy to get because they’re unsecured, but they’re a little pricey because lenders tend to charge high-interest rates.
You can look here to know more about claiming benefits while taking a personal loan.
Many people ask whether they can seek a tax refund on a personal loan because it is not considered part of their income. The tax gain of personal loans is dependent on how they are used. Personal loans for various reasons, such as college, home purchase or renovation, business expansion, and so on, are eligible for tax deductions.
As you can see, the three loans listed above not only provide cash flow when you’re in a financial bind but also provide tax relief. However, it’s important to note that having a loan, regardless of the sort, is a significant commitment that should not be taken lightly. It is, after all, borrowed money that must be repaid.
If you’re looking for an instant personal loan for upgrading your quality of life, do check out EarlySalary’s credit suite, enabling you to avail loans for low interest (as low as INR 9/ day).
Feel free to contact us for any questions on credit, loans, and your instant cash needs!
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