Biggest HR Challenges to Expect in 2024 and How to Solve them

  • Updated on: 8 Jul 2024
  • Published on: 27 Jan 2020
Biggest HR Challenges to Expect in 2024 and How to Solve them

Evolving technologies in the function and complexities of the job market have posed new HR challenges. The rise of AI is rendering several jobs obsolete while simultaneously creating new job requirements. Employers increasingly need to look for highly skilled workers, and the employment market often falls short of that. 

In this case, demand is higher than supply, causing several hardships for the HR sector. While there are plenty of HR challenges and solutions that recruiters can expect in the coming year, they need to keep an eye out for the following.

Personalised Experiences Like Employee Well-being

One of the newest trends among job-seekers is a focus on well-being and workplace culture. This presents one of the significant challenges of HRM. It used to be easier to attract and retain good candidates – solid pay, job security, and some additional benefits often formed a complete, satisfactory package. 

Since this outlook is changing, the HR function’s focus is also shifting from these traditional factors to those that are more complex to handle, like work-life balance and open culture. A solution to this is to treat employees as separate individuals rather than as a group and personalise their experiences as much as possible.

Employees have different needs from their jobs, and to retain a skilled workforce, HR teams should be accommodating while sticking to company policies and ensuring the most judicious use of funds.

Finding and Landing High-quality Workers

Recruiting and hiring the best talents will remain one of the biggest HR challenges in years to come. It’s difficult to keep up with the rapid changes taking place in the industry, and appropriately skilled applicants are hard to come by. 

Not only must the candidates have adequate skills, but they must also be adaptable and open to changing their methods with the fast-changing trends in the industry. While unemployment runs rampant, such talent is limited. Talented individuals available for hire are in high demand, and the HR function is to attract them to their company. 

Although complex and subjective, one solution is fostering a culture and an environment where people are engaged and committed to their roles. It involves several considerations, such as benefits, incentives and a focus on employee well-being. 

The most significant consideration here is addressing the needs of different generations of workers and providing personalised benefits to each group rather than a one-size-fits-all policy. Other solutions include tapping into job markets like older employees and veterans.

Diversity and Inclusion

The diversity question today goes beyond gender, race, ethnicity, religion and age. Instead, it includes differing work experiences, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, upbringing, educational status and even physical characteristics. Managing a diverse workforce while ensuring inclusion for all is one of the greatest HR challenges for recruiters. 

Some ways to ensure diversity and inclusion are keeping a fair and balanced recruitment process and eliminating bias. Biases among recruiters are often subconscious and cannot be easily changed. You can reduce such biases by leveraging AI – harnessing technology to ensure inclusion is one of the best ways to overcome this challenge.

Outdated Technology and Data Security

Although it is 2024 and a variety of advanced recruiting tools are available, several organisations still persist in using tedious technologies to organise their search for new hires. While Excel and email still have their advantages, using newer technologies can prove much more efficient and leave HR managers with time to work on more pressing challenges. 

One of the prominent challenges faced by HR managers is the possibility of a breach of privacy of the candidates. Applicants provide a lot of personal information, trusting the recruiters to protect their sensitive information from hackers. Data security is, hence, a major concern.

An ideal, and perhaps the only way to solve these problems is through improved technologies. Getting rid of outdated technologies for hiring, as well as being extra careful about data privacy and security, are a good approach to tackling these major challenges for HR managers. 

Bad Hires

In a hurry to source and hire employees for roles, recruiters are prone to making errors while hiring. While the risk of making bad hires was always non-zero, it is now more prominent than ever. This is because sourcing candidates with the right skill set has become one of the major challenges faced by HR managers. 

Requisite skills and work experience are, of course, not the only aspects that make for suitable candidates. They must also align with the company’s ideals and, in general, be a good fit for the enterprise as a whole. 

A willingness to learn and adapt to changes and a drive to work hard are also desired in any candidate. Without these essential qualities, no amount of skill would guarantee a good fit and solve some of the major HR challenges. 

The only solution to such a problem is to be more careful while recruiting candidates. It is also essential that recruiters know exactly the kind of talent they seek, over and above the necessary skill set.

While there are several challenges in the HR sector, the most important one stems from the increasing demand for a highly skilled workforce and the scarce supply. While the above points cover most major challenges and ways to overcome them, some further solutions include:

  • Adopting more efficient talent-sourcing techniques 
  • Being proactive in building talent pools
  • Increasing focus on passive candidates through promotions on social media
  • Improving candidate experience throughout the hiring process by actively communicating with them

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FAQs on Biggest Challenges for HR in 2024 and How to Solve Them

What are the biggest challenges facing HR today?

The following are some of the biggest challenges for HR managers-

  • Leadership Development 
  • Imparting Training
  • Providing Compensation
  • Attracting Talent and Improving Retention

What is a challenge for Human Resource Management during mergers?

The following are the issues HR faces during mergers:

  • Cultural integration between the two companies
  • Bridging the talent and skills gaps
  • Coming up with a new organisational structure

Why is HRM a challenging job?

Human Resource Management can a be challenging job because you will have to fulfil the following roles:

  • You will need to manage diverse stakeholders and balance competing priorities
  • You will have to adapt to changing employment regulations
  • Your responsibility will also include handling sensitive issues like acting on employee grievances

What are the three pillars of HR?

The following are three pillars of Human Resource Management

  • Strategic Planning 
  • Workforce Development
  • Performance Management

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